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Tinnakilly Lower, Aughrim, Wicklow | | 0402-36595  087-9743508

Planting Tips

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Planting Tips


Bare rooted plants (plants dug up in the nursery without any soil on the roots) should be planted during the dormant season (November - April)

The roots of BARE ROOTED plants should be kept moist as much as possible from time of digging-up until planting - KEEP ROOTS COVERED AT ALL TIMES.

When you get bare rooted plants they should planted ASAP either directly in their permanent position or temporarily close together in some moist soil or compost (called heeling in or trenching in) to be taken up and planted in their permanent position at a later date.

In dry conditions or if roots appear to have dried out, submerge roots in water for some time (from a minute to some hours at most), before planting.

Prepare planting site in advance by removing/killing existing vegetation (incl. the roots), particularly perennial growth such as grasses, briars, nettles etc. by mechanical or chemical means.

With few exceptions all plants do best in well-drained soil.
For additional drainage plant on raised mound of soil if necessary.

Depending on the soil quality/condition additional Compost, Farm Yard Manure or other material mixed in with the soil in and around the planting hole will greatly help root growth and establishment of plants.
Do not plant in very wet soil conditions.

When planting always dig hole or trench wide and deep enough to comfortably contain the roots. (Exceptionally long or difficult roots can be pruned back) Do not bunch roots

Cover with soil/compost - shake plant to allow soil/compost between roots and compact firmly around plant roots - repeat up to or a little over surrounding ground level. Plant no deeper than soil mark showing on plant.
Firm soil down well to prevent wind-rocking, repeat if necessary.

Trees requiring staking for stability should be planted after driving the stake
Off-centre in the prepared planting hole on the windward side.

If soil is dry when planting and no rain is imminent, drench with water. If conditions after planting continue very dry (particularly in Spring) water thoroughly at intervals.

Some plants will benefit from some pruning immediately before or after planting such as tops of hedging plants and branches of trees to improve establishment and shape/appearance of plants.

Prevent competing vegetation around base of newly planted plants, particularly with hedging plants and shrubs but also all other plants for the first 2-3 years or more. This can be done manually or with chemicals or preferably by mulching with anti-weed matting covered with bark mulch or chippings.

To get plants growing well some type of fertiliser, applied at the right dose, will be very helpful. The best time to feed plants would be when growth is about to start in the spring and at intervals thereafter.

Get in contact with our offices today, to take advantage of our plant expertise.

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